Monday, September 30, 2013

"Dude, what's this blurry thing?"

Let's see:
  • time limit: 40min - 1h  CHECK!
  • easy subject: one guy, one prop, no background  CHECK!
  • technical aspect: one distinctive preplanned light source CHECK!
  • fun vs stress factor: 6:4 CHECK!
  • finish: none...
not bad :)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

" Little bald faun with terrible back problems says: 'Ouch!' "

Uh..okay, so this not only took considerably more than 40 minutes, it's also not much better =__=;
I will have to try drawing something simpler.

Be back soon with something better (third time's the charm, right?)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wow, yet another year is over and this place has amassed even more of the virtual dust..

Meanwhile i started being afraid of empty canvas. It just became tough to fill empty space from beginning to end using my imagination alone. It feels as if my left brain keeps nitpicking, criticizing and ridiculing.... (my left brain seems to be a bit of an ass...) 

But, putting whining and personification of body parts aside, i decided that, at the moment, continuing with mindless440 would be mighty beneficial.

I knew that the first few sketches were bound to be somewhat weak and steeled myself for it...

"One-legged hunter says: Welcome back!"

..but this hurts Q_Q my pride, my eyes, you name it.

Be back soom with something better.